High Converting Email Template


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Knowing what to say to potential clients can be difficult. You want to say the right things to be able to book your dream jobs and you are sick of being ghosted. Our high converting email template will help you know when and how to respond so you can convert your inquiries into paying jobs.

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Don’t Be Ghosted

Have you ever been ghosted by a client? You receive this incredible inquiry. You respond with enthusiasm and you are so excited to book this client. They seem like the dream client wanting to get married in your dream location. Buuuuuut after a couple weeks, you haven’t heard anything! A month goes by and they finally respond saying they went in a different direction. You feel defeated and hurt! Another photographer just booked your dream job.

That feeling sucks and we are here to help! With our high converting email template, you’ll know how to respond so you stand out from the rest. You’ll know when to follow up if you haven’t received a response and what to say. We truly want you to book your dream jobs and knowing what to say to potential clients is going to be a game changer for you!

Join our Patreon and receive this guide COMPLETELY FREE!!!